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About Us

A funeral home, started in 2005.

At Reliant, we seek to provide a personal touch to funeral arrangements.

We understand that everyone lead different lives and as such, they hold different meanings to those around them.

That is why we know that not one funeral will be the same.


Our company's goal is to assist families through the most difficult of times, by ensuring the final journey of their late beloved is done smoothly, with dignity, and most importantly, felt personally.

Value & Integrity is at the core of our operations from day to day.


We handle various religious and non-religious funerals.

Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Taoist, Free-Thinker and others.


Feel free to reach out to our dedicated Funeral Directors to find out more.


Our Vision:
Providing families with a meaningful and memorial send-off of their dearly departed.

Our Mission:
Funerals done with Dignity, Integrity and Professionalism.

Most importantly, felt personally.


Let us guide you on 
how & what
to prepare whenexpecting the loss of a loved one.

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